The Oklahoma Certificate of Partnership Fictitious Name Form is a document used to register a business under a name other than the legal name of the partners. It is used to register a trade name, a DBA (Doing Business As) or an assumed name for a partnership. This form must be filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State, along with applicable fees. The form must include the legal name of the partnership, the fictitious name of the business, and the names and addresses of the partners. It must also include the effective date of the fictitious name registration, the purpose of the business, the county in which the business is to be conducted, a statement that the fictitious name is not the name of an existing business, and a signature of the partner or a representative of the partnership. There are two types of Oklahoma Certificate of Partnership Fictitious Name Forms: one for initial registration and one for renewal. The initial registration form must be filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State, while the renewal form must be filed with the County Clerk of the county in which the business is located.