Oklahoma Jury Instruction — 5.2 Expert Witnesses When Expert Witness Fees Represent A Significant Portion Of The Witness' Income aims to provide guidance and instructions to the jury when evaluating the testimony of an expert witness whose income is primarily derived from expert witness fees. This instruction helps ensure fair and unbiased decision-making during trials. Here are some key points and types of scenarios covered by this jury instruction: 1. Importance of Evaluating Potential Bias: When expert witness fees make up a substantial portion of the witness' income, it becomes crucial for the jury to consider the potential bias or motivation that may influence the testimony provided by such witnesses. The financial dependence on expert witness fees may create an incentive for the witness to provide biased or exaggerated opinions. Consequently, it is important for the jury to thoroughly evaluate and scrutinize the expert's testimony. 2. Ethical Obligations: The instruction emphasizes that expert witnesses have ethical obligations to provide impartial and unbiased opinions, irrespective of their financial interests. Despite the potential influence of expert witness fees, the jury should expect the witness to maintain integrity and adhere to established standards of professionalism. 3. Evaluating Expertise and Qualifications: The jury should consider the expert's qualifications, experience, and reputation within their field when weighing the credibility of their testimony. The fact that the witness relies heavily on expert witness fees should not diminish or undermine their expertise, as long as the witness can demonstrate appropriate qualifications and knowledge. 4. Disclosing Financial Information: In cases where the significance of expert witness fees becomes a relevant factor, the witness may be required to provide information regarding the proportion of their income derived from such fees. This disclosure aims to help the jury better understand the potential motivations and interests of the witness. 5. Weighing the Testimony: Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the jury to assign weight and credibility to the expert's testimony, considering all the relevant factors, including their financial dependence on expert witness fees. The jury should remember that the expert's testimony is just one piece of evidence among others and should be assessed in conjunction with other evidence presented during the trial. By providing specific instructions related to expert witnesses reliant on expert witness fees, the Oklahoma Jury Instruction — 5.2 aims to assist the jury in making fair, informed, and impartial judgments.