Oregon applies for a Restraining Order (also known as a Protection Order) to protect an individual from the threat or fear of physical or emotional harm from another person. There are three types of restraining orders available in Oregon: Domestic Violence Restraining Order, Stalking Restraining Order, and Elder Abuse Restraining Order. Domestic Violence Restraining Order: This type of restraining order protects individuals from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by a current or former spouse, domestic partner, or someone with whom the individual has had a dating relationship. Stalking Restraining Order: This type of restraining order is issued for individuals who are being stalked by someone who is not a current or former spouse, domestic partner, or someone with whom the individual has had a dating relationship. Elder Abuse Restraining Order: This type of restraining order is issued to protect individuals who are elderly or disabled from abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. In order to apply for a restraining order, an individual must fill out and submit a Petition for a Restraining Order to the local court. The petition must include the individual's name and address, as well as the name and address of the person they are seeking protection from. The individual must also provide the court with a detailed description of the harm they have suffered or fear from the other person. Once the restraining order is granted, the court will issue an Order of Protection, which outlines the terms of the restraining order. The individual must inform the other person of the restraining order, and the other person must obey the terms of the restraining order or be subject to criminal penalties.