The Pennsylvania Order of Court is an order issued by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania that governs the administration of justice throughout the state. It is composed of rules and regulations that define the court system and set forth the rules and procedures of the courts. The Order of Court is divided into two separate parts: the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Criminal Procedure. The Rules of Civil Procedure establish a framework for the procedures of civil cases. This includes the filing of pleadings, service of process, motions and orders, discovery, trial, and appeals. It also outlines the various remedies that can be sought in civil cases, such as monetary damages, injunctions, declaratory judgments, and more. The Rules of Criminal Procedure set forth the procedures for criminal cases. This includes the rights of the accused, the process for obtaining a grand jury indictment, the trial process, rules for sentencing, and more. The Pennsylvania Order of Court also includes other court-related orders, such as the Rules of Evidence, which govern what types of evidence can be presented in court. Additionally, the Order of Court includes the Rules of Professional Conduct, which set forth the ethical standards for attorneys practicing in Pennsylvania.