There are two types of Pennsylvania instructions for using e-Pay — Search by Name. 1. Business e-Pay Search by Name: Businesses in Pennsylvania can use e-Pay to search for payment records by name. To search by name, click the “Search by Name” button on the e-Pay homepage. You will be asked to enter the name of the business you are searching for. The system will then generate a list of results. Click on the name of the business you are searching for to view its payment records. 2. Individual e-Pay Search by Name: Individuals in Pennsylvania can use e-Pay to search for payment records by name. To search by name, click the “Search by Name” button on the e-Pay homepage. You will be asked to enter the name of the individual you are searching for. The system will then generate a list of results. Click on the name of the individual you are searching for to view their payment records. In both cases, you will be able to view the payment records for the individual or business after you have clicked on their name. You will be able to view the payment amount, date, and type of payment. You will also be able to view any additional information that was provided with the payment.