The Pennsylvania Application for License to Carry Firearms (PAL) is an application form provided by the Pennsylvania State Police to allow individuals to apply for a concealed carry license or a purchase permit. There are two types of PAL's available in Pennsylvania: a License to Carry Firearms (LCF) and a License to Sell Firearms (LSF). The LCF PAL is used to apply for a permit to carry a concealed firearm in public. The applicant must be at least 21 years of age and must provide proof of residency, firearms training, and a valid Pennsylvania driver's license or state-issued ID card. The application must be submitted with a fee to the Pennsylvania State Police and is subject to a criminal background check. The LSF PAL is used to apply for a permit to purchase a firearm in Pennsylvania. The applicant must be at least 18 years of age and must provide proof of residency, firearms training, and a valid Pennsylvania driver's license or state-issued ID card. The application must be submitted with a fee to the Pennsylvania State Police and is subject to a criminal background check. Both the LCF and LSF Pals are available online or at local Pennsylvania State Police stations.