Pennsylvania Federal State Local Funded Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Programs Operating Procedures And Program Guidelines (581.2 KiB) is a set of documents that provide direction and guidance for the programs that provide housing rehabilitation assistance in the state of Pennsylvania. The programs are funded by the federal, state, and local governments and are designed to help people improve the quality of their homes. The documents explain the eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and procedures for applying for assistance, as well as the standards and procedures for administering the program. They also provide guidelines for the evaluation of applications and the monitoring of the program. The documents include three types of programs: the Home Repair Program (HIP), the Emergency Home Repair Program (EARP), and the Home Energy Conservation Program (HELP). The Home Repair Program (HIP) provides assistance to homeowners with repairs that are necessary for the preservation and maintenance of the home. The Emergency Home Repair Program (EARP) provides assistance to homeowners for emergency repairs that are necessary to protect the health and safety of the occupants. The Home Energy Conservation Program (HELP) provides assistance to homeowners for energy efficiency projects.