The Pennsylvania Special Raffle Permit Local Option-Small Games of Chance Act 156 of 1988 FIRE COMPANIES ONLY (27.8 KiB) is a piece of legislation that allows fire companies and certain other organizations to operate small games of chance, such as raffles, pull-tabs, and punchboards. This act was created to provide an additional means of fundraising for fire companies and other eligible organizations, to supplement their tax-exempt income from membership fees and donations. The act is specific to fire companies and does not apply to organizations such as civic or social clubs or corporations. The act outlines the requirements for a fire company to be eligible to conduct small games of chance. These requirements include: having an established and permanent place of business, having a valid tax exemption, and having the necessary licenses and permits. Fire companies must also comply with certain regulations and restrictions, such as setting prize limits, scheduling times of operation, and limiting the types of games offered. There are two types of Pennsylvania Special Raffle Permit Local Option-Small Games of Chance Act 156 of 1988 FIRE COMPANIES ONLY (27.8 KiB): the PPC-A and the PPC-B. The PPC-A permit allows fire companies to conduct raffles, pull-tabs, and punchboards, while the PPC-B permit allows fire companies to conduct bingo and similar types of games. Both permits require fire companies to complete an application and submit it to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue for approval. Once approved, the fire company must obtain a permit from the county court of common pleas. The permit must be renewed each year in order to remain valid.