The Pennsylvania 3. Precise to Settle Satisfysf— - Discontinue is a legal document used to settle civil disputes in Pennsylvania. There are three types of Pennsylvania 3. Precise to Settle Satisfysf— - Discontinue: 1. Precise to Settle: This document is used to settle a civil dispute and release all claims between the parties. The parties must agree to the terms of the settlement and sign the document in order for it to be valid. 2. Precise to Satisfy: This document is used to satisfy a judgment that has been entered against a party. The judgment must be paid in full before the Precise to Satisfy can be filed with the court. 3. Precise to Discontinue: This document is used to discontinue an action that has been filed with the court. The filing of the Precise to Discontinue terminates the action and the parties are no longer legally obligated to each other. The Pennsylvania 3. Precise to Settle Satisfysf— - Discontinue is an important document that should be reviewed and prepared by an experienced attorney to ensure it is properly executed.