A Pennsylvania Precise For Withdrawal of Appearance is a legal document that is filed with the court when an attorney wants to withdraw as counsel for a client in a legal action. It is used to notify the court and other party of the attorney's withdrawal and request that the client be allowed to proceed without representation. This document is also known as a “Notice of Intention to Withdraw Appearance” or a “Withdrawal of Appearance”. There are two types of PennsylvaniPrecisepe for Withdrawal of Appearance: one for Common Pleas Court and one for Magisterial District Court. The Common Pleas Court Precise must include the case number, the name of the attorney filing the withdrawal, the name of the client, and a statement that the attorney has been authorized to withdraw as counsel. The Magisterial District Court Precise must include the case number, the name of the attorney filing the withdrawal, and a statement that the attorney has been authorized to withdraw as counsel.