Puerto Rico Checklist of Questions to Ask Sexual Harassment Witnesses — Workplace: 1. What is Puerto Rico known for? 2. How does Puerto Rico differ from other Caribbean islands? 3. What is the cultural heritage of Puerto Rico? 4. What are the main landmarks and tourist attractions in Puerto Rico? 5. Briefly discuss the history of Puerto Rico and its relationship with the United States. 6. What is the official language of Puerto Rico? 7. How is the economy of Puerto Rico structured? 8. What are the main industries in Puerto Rico? 9. Describe the natural beauty and geography of Puerto Rico. 10. What are some traditional foods and drinks in Puerto Rico? Types of Puerto Rico Checklist of Questions to Ask Sexual Harassment Witnesses — Workplace: 1. General Questions: a. Please state your name, job position, and how long you have been working for the company. b. Have you witnessed any incidents related to sexual harassment in the workplace? If yes, please describe the incident(s). c. Were you directly involved in any of the incidents you witnessed, or were you a bystander? d. Can you provide any evidence or documentation to support your claims as a witness? 2. Specific Incident Questions: a. Can you describe the time, date, and location of the incidents you witnessed? b. Who was involved in the incidents? Please provide their names and job positions if known. c. What actions or behaviors did you observe that you consider to be sexual harassment? d. Were these incidents reported to any authority within the company? If yes, please provide details. 3. Impact and Consequences Questions: a. How did the incidents of sexual harassment affect the victim(s) involved? b. Did you notice any changes in the victim's behavior, job performance, or overall well-being following the incidents? c. Were there any consequences or disciplinary actions taken against the harasser(s) involved? d. How has the overall workplace environment been affected by these incidents? 4. Company Policy Questions: a. Are you aware of the company's policies and procedures regarding sexual harassment? b. Have you received any training or information about how to prevent, address, or report instances of sexual harassment? c. Were you aware of any specific actions taken by the company to address sexual harassment prior to or after the incidents you witnessed? d. Do you believe the current company policies are effective in addressing and preventing sexual harassment? Note: It is important to seek legal guidance and adapt these questions to comply with local laws and regulations in Puerto Rico.