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From being an eyesore to releasing toxins, improper waste disposal on any scale can create environmental problems, health problems and even economic concerns. This is also true for older landfill sites, which are often unlined. The lining of landfills prevents toxic substances from being released into the ground water.
Benefits of Effective Waste Disposal Environmental protection from pollution or contamination. Money generation companies may buy recyclable materials due to their value. Additionally, the waste management industry creates employment opportunities. Safety irresponsibly disposed of waste can harm people.
Answer. If waste materials are not properly disposed, it may cause floods since it may get stuck in waterways. Hazardous waste may also cause poisoning or diseases.
Typically, local governments are responsible for the collection and disposal of the wastes generated within their jurisdiction, as well as for the operation and maintenance of their equipment. However, local governments usually lack the authority and resources to provide a satisfactory and economically viable service.
A: Residents are required by law to recycle computers, computer monitors, printers and televisions. Each of South Carolina's 46 counties as well as some municipalities provide collection programs and/or offer single-day collection events for unwanted electronics.
Waste producers have a duty of care under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to ensure that their waste is disposed of safely, appropriately and responsibly. Under the duty, waste producers must: prevent the escape or release of waste into the environment.
Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 The Corporation Commisioner is responsible for proper arrangement of storage and final disposal of 'rubbish and filth' as per Section 225 of the Act.
Over time, such wastes might cause issues such as liver failure, breathing problems or even cancer. Prolonged exposure may even harm off-spring, causing birth defects and reproductive disorders. At worst, failing to dispose of hazardous wastes correctly can even lead to death.
In accordance with the Waste Act, waste holders, such as private individuals, property owners or companies, are primarily responsible for the management of waste. An exception to this rule is the responsibility municipalities and certain manufacturers may have for organising waste management.