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In conclusion, obtaining the South Carolina petition for a change of name and amendment of birth certificate of adult for family is much easier with US Legal Forms. Start your journey to a seamless legal process today!
How much does it cost to change a name? For an adult, changing a name involves a $150 filing fee with the court for the petition.
The parent files a petition with the county court requesting the name change. Pay the filing fee. Include the other parent as a party to the case. A guardian ad litum will be appointed by the court. The guardian will submit their report and recommendation to the court.
South Carolina allows a person to legally change their name or the name of their child by formally petitioning the Family Court. The process involves petitioning the Court with information such as the former and requested name and the reasons for the change, which must be valid and reasonable.
You may change a birth certificate with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) or through a court hearing. Try to make the change through DHEC because the process is easier and costs less. DHEC needs lots of information to make the changes.
All you have to do is complete and file a petition for name change with the court. There are many reasons for officially changing your name. The most common are marriage and divorce. But if your birth name is Mergatroid or something like that, you might not need any other reason.
It's a long process. While a legal document such as a marriage certificate or court granted petition will allow you to change your name, it won't be truly official until you've submitted name change applications with the Social Security Administration, the DMV, and other relevant institutions.
In SC you must wait at least 48 hours after visiting the SS office before going to the DMV to get your license or ID card with your new name. The waiting time is due to the fact that the SS administration needs to update their computer database.
Once you have received the results from SLED and the DSS, bring them to your local family court along with the Petition, both Affidavits, the Request for Hearing, a copy of your original birth certificate, and the $150 filing fee.