A South Carolina Subpoena in a Civil Case is a legal document issued by a court to compel a witness, either a party to the case or a third party, to appear and testify in court. It may also be used to compel production of evidence or documents. Subpoena in a Civil Case can be issued in two different types: Subpoena Ducks Cecum and Subpoena Ad Testificandum. Subpoena Ducks Cecum is a court order that requires a party to produce evidence or documents relevant to the case. These documents must be produced on or before a certain date and sent to the court or to a party to the case. Subpoena Ad Testificandum is a court order that requires a witness to appear in court and testify on a certain date. The witness may be required to bring certain documents or evidence with them. In South Carolina, a Subpoena in a Civil Case must be served on the witness or party in accordance with the rules of civil procedure. The witness or party is required to respond to the Subpoena by the date specified in the document or risk being held in contempt of court.