A South Carolina Affidavit of Default is a document that is filed in court to establish a debtor's default on a debt. The affidavit is used when the creditor has not been able to collect payment on the debt despite reasonable attempts. There are two types of South Carolina Affidavit of Default, including the Affidavit of Default for a Promissory Note and the Affidavit of Default for a Security Agreement. The Affidavit of Default for a Promissory Note is filed when a debt is secured by a promissory note. This affidavit will include information about the amount and terms of the debt, the date of the default, and any legal remedies that the creditor may pursue in order to collect the debt. The Affidavit of Default for a Security Agreement is filed when a debt is secured by a security agreement, such as a lien, mortgage, or deed of trust. This affidavit will include information about the amount and terms of the debt, the date of the default, and any legal remedies that the creditor may pursue in order to collect the debt.