A Tennessee Writ of Attachment (also known as a Writ of Garnishment) is a legal order from a court that requires a third party to withhold a portion of a person's wages, or to seize and hold money from a bank account, in order to satisfy a debt owed to a creditor. A Writ of Attachment is issued by a court in the state of Tennessee and is used to collect past-due child support, unpaid taxes, or other debts. It is important to note that this type of Writ is only enforceable in the state of Tennessee. There are two types of Writs of Attachment in Tennessee: non-earnings and earnings. A non-earnings Writ of Attachment is used to seize money from a bank account or other non-wage assets, such as a car or house. An earnings Writ of Attachment is used to garnish a debtor's wages, up to 25% of the total wages earned in a pay period. The garnished wages are then sent to the creditor.