Tennessee Legal Aid Guidelines are the state-specific rules and regulations that govern the provision of legal assistance to those in need. These guidelines provide information on how to obtain legal aid, eligibility requirements, and the types of services available. The Tennessee Legal Aid program is funded through a combination of public and private sources, including federal, state, and local governments, and charitable organizations. The program is administered by the Tennessee Supreme Court and is designed to ensure access to justice for all Tennesseans. The three primary types of Tennessee Legal Aid Guidelines are Civil Legal Aid, Juvenile Legal Aid, and Criminal Legal Aid. Civil Legal Aid provides legal assistance to individuals with civil legal problems, such as divorce, eviction, housing, public benefits, consumer protection, and family law. Juvenile Legal Aid provides legal assistance to children and youth who are involved in the justice system. Criminal Legal Aid provides legal assistance to individuals facing criminal charges. All Tennessee Legal Aid Guidelines are in place to ensure that the legal rights of Tennesseans are protected and that access to justice is available for all citizens, regardless of their financial situation.