Tennessee Injunction is a court order issued in the state of Tennessee that requires a person or entity to either do or not do something. This type of injunction is typically granted to protect a person from harm or to prevent a breach of the law. There are three types of Tennessee Injunctions: Temporary Injunction, Preliminary Injunction, and Permanent Injunction. A Temporary Injunction is a court order that is issued on a temporary basis. It is usually requested when a party needs immediate relief and there is not enough time for a full hearing on the matter. A Temporary Injunction can be granted with or without notice to the opposing party. A Preliminary Injunction is a court order that is granted after a hearing on the facts and law in the case. It is issued in order to maintain the status quo until a full trial on the matter can take place. A Permanent Injunction is a court order that is issued after a full hearing on the facts and law. It is a binding order that prevents a party from engaging in certain activities or activities of a certain nature. It is meant to be a permanent order and is not easily modified or reversed.