Tennessee Articles of Entity Conversion (Domestic Business Corporation to a Domestic Unincorporated Entity) is a legal procedure allowing a domestic business corporation to convert its corporate status to a domestic unincorporated entity. This conversion is regulated by the Tennessee Business Corporation Act and can be completed either voluntarily or involuntarily. The types of entity conversion include: 1. Conversion of a Domestic Business Corporation into a Domestic Limited Liability Company 2. Conversion of a Domestic Business Corporation into a Domestic Limited Partnership 3. Conversion of a Domestic Business Corporation into a Domestic Series Limited Liability Company 4. Conversion of a Domestic Business Corporation into a Domestic Series Limited Partnership 5. Conversion of a Domestic Business Corporation into a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation. The process for completing a Tennessee Articles of Entity Conversion (Domestic Business Corporation to a Domestic Unincorporated Entity) includes filing the appropriate articles of conversion with the Secretary of State. The filing must include the name of the converting entity, the name of the resulting entity, the date of the conversion, and the address of the registered office in Tennessee. After filing the articles, the converting entity must publish a notice of the conversion in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the converting entity's registered office is located. The converting entity must also deliver a copy of the articles of conversion to each of its shareholders and creditors. Finally, the converting entity must provide notice to the Tennessee Department of Revenue of the conversion. Once all of these steps have been completed, the Conversion is official.