The Tennessee Application for Name Change of the Trademark Owner is an application that can be submitted to the Tennessee Secretary of State’s office to change the name of the trademark owner on record. This application is used when a business, organization, or individual wants to change the name that appears on the trademark registration. It can be used for a variety of reasons, including a change of ownership, a merger of two entities, or a change of legal name. The Tennessee Application for Name Change of the Trademark Owner has two types: Form TNSOS-5.1 for a Tennessee trademark owner, and Form TNSOS-5.2 for a foreign trademark owner. Form TNSOS-5.1 is used when the new owner is a resident of Tennessee, and Form TNSOS-5.2 is used when the new owner is located outside the state. Both forms require the current name and address of the trademark owner, the new name of the trademark owner, and a signature from the individual submitting the application. In addition to the application, a filing fee and other documentation may be required. After the application is submitted, the new name of the trademark owner will be updated on the trademark registration and will be reflected in all future correspondence.