The Tennessee Articles of Amendment of the Charter refer to a legal document that allows a corporation to make changes to its charter or articles of incorporation. These amendments are typically used to update or modify important information about the corporation, such as its name, business purpose, authorized shares of stock, or registered agent. When filing the Tennessee Articles of Amendment of the Charter, certain requirements must be met. Firstly, the corporation's name must be clearly stated, along with its identification number assigned by the Tennessee Secretary of State. The specific amendment being made should be described accurately and in detail. It is crucial to include the original wording, as well as the new provisions or language being introduced. Moreover, the Tennessee Articles of Amendment of the Charter should include the date of approval of the amendment by the corporation’s shareholders, the number of outstanding shares of each class or series entitled to vote on the amendment, and the total number of votes cast for and against the amendment. This ensures proper documentation of the decision-making process and compliance with corporate governance rules. There are a few different types of Tennessee Articles of Amendment of the Charter that can be filed based on the amendments being made. Some of these include: 1. Name Change Amendment: If a corporation decides to change its name, this type of amendment is filed. It requires providing the current name and the desired new name for the corporation. 2. Purpose Statement Amendment: This amendment is necessary when a corporation wishes to modify or expand its stated business purpose. The current purpose should be provided, along with the proposed revised purpose. 3. Stock Amendment: If there are changes in the authorized shares of stock, such as an increase or decrease in the number of shares, or changes in the par value or class of shares, this type of amendment is filed. The specific details regarding these changes should be clearly stated. 4. Registered Agent Amendment: In case the registered agent designated by the corporation needs to be replaced or their contact information updated, this type of amendment is submitted. The current registered agent details and the new agent's information are both required. In conclusion, the Tennessee Articles of Amendment of the Charter enable corporations to officially make changes to their charter. These amendments can range from simple name changes to more complex modifications in business purpose, stock structure, or registered agent representation. By adhering to the specific filing requirements and providing accurate information, corporations can ensure compliance with the legal framework governing corporate entities in Tennessee.