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Take control of your housing situation today. Visit US Legal Forms to get started with your Texas letter today!
Clearly, state what you demand to be repaired by the person. Mention the period since it has been causing a problem and that it is high time. Without being too harsh, the letter is written as a warning to the person. Address the person well.
Use an appropriate business letter format. Keep it simple. If appropriate, provide the recipient with pertinent information to help them remember who you are. Briefly explain what it is you want the reader to do.
Make sure the repair is actually your landlord's responsibility. Document the problem thoroughly. Ask your landlord in writing to make the repair. Send your landlord a letter with return receipt requested.
To give you an idea, it's in good taste to start your letter "Dear Mr./Ms. Insert Name Here," as is the case with any polite letter. No matter how much you might want to give your landlord a piece of your mind, do yourself a favor and refrain from calling him a slumlord.
Make sure the repair is actually your landlord's responsibility. Document the problem thoroughly. Ask your landlord in writing to make the repair. Send your landlord a letter with return receipt requested. Wait for your landlord to respond.
Any time you write a letter or email to your landlord, keep your language clear and concise to eliminate any potential for confusion. Include relevant details such as the date of writing, the dates of any instances referenced within the letter, and your contact information and unit number.
Dear (Name of landlord or manager), I am writing to request repairs to the (appliance, heating/air conditioning, plumbing issue be specific!) due to (reason for repair; this could include things such as broken handle, leaky sink hose, even normal wear-and-tear that would necessitate replacement).
Your landlord should make a diligent effort to repair the problem within a reasonable time after receipt of the notice. The law presumes seven days to be a reasonable time, but the landlord can rebut this presumption.