Texas Group Health Large and Small Employer Requirements Checklist is a document used to ensure that employers meet all the legal requirements for providing health insurance to their employees. It is divided into two parts — one for large employers and one for small employers. For large employers, the checklist includes items such as providing employee benefits information, establishing a health care plan, and filing all required documents with the state. Additionally, it must include a plan design that meets the requirements of the Affordable Care Act and contains information about employee contributions and employer contributions. Small employers must meet similar requirements, including providing employees with access to health benefits, filing all required documents with the state, and ensuring that the health care plan meets the Affordable Care Act's requirements. Additionally, the checklist includes items such as providing information about the health care plan to employees, setting deductibles and coinsurance, and providing a statement of benefits to employees. Overall, the Texas Group Health Large and Small Employer Requirements Checklist is an important document that employers must follow in order to provide their employees with the health coverage they need.