Texas Attorney Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost is a financial planning tool used by Texas attorneys to assess and manage the costs associated with non-capital representation cases that may require additional funds or resources. The worksheet includes three main sections: budget summary, budget details, and totals. The budget summary includes the total estimated costs of the case, including attorney fees, expert fees, other costs, and total estimated cost. The budget details section provides a breakdown of the estimated costs associated with the case, including attorney fees, expert fees, other costs, and total estimated cost. The totals section provides a total estimated cost of the representation. There are two types of Texas Attorney Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost: the Standard Budget Worksheet and the Complex Budget Worksheet. The Standard Budget Worksheet is used for routine cases that do not require additional funds or resources. The Complex Budget Worksheet is used for cases that require additional funds or resources, such as cases involving multiple parties or complex legal matters.