Biographical Affidavit and Fingerprint Requirements for Texas-Domestic Insurers are the requirements that Texas-based insurers must meet in order to receive authorization to conduct business in the state. The Biographical Affidavit is a form that must be completed and submitted by individuals who will be associated with the insurer in any capacity. This includes officers, directors, and employees. The form requires that the individual provide a variety of personal information, such as name, address, social security number, and date of birth. The Fingerprint Requirements refer to the fingerprint-based criminal background check that must be conducted on individuals who will be associated with the insurer. All individuals who submit a Biographical Affidavit must also submit a full set of fingerprints taken by an authorized law enforcement agency. The fingerprints will be used to determine if the individual has any criminal history. There are two types of Biographical Affidavit and Fingerprint Requirements for Texas-Domestic Insurers: regular and expedited. Under the regular requirements, the insurer must submit the Biographical Affidavit and fingerprints within 30 days of submitting the required forms. Under the expedited requirements, the insurer must submit the Biographical Affidavit and fingerprints within 10 days of submitting the required forms.