Texas Confidentiality Agreement for Third-Party Vendors (Exhibit B to Miscellaneous Order No. 62) is a document that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of third-party vendors in relation to the use, storage, and disclosure of confidential information. The agreement requires vendors to keep confidential information secure and to not use it for any purpose other than for which it was provided. The agreement also requires vendors to ensure that any third-party subcontractors they hire are also bound by the same confidentiality agreement. The Texas Confidentiality Agreement for Third-Party Vendors is broken down into six sections. These sections include: Definitions, Obligations of the Vendor, Obligations of the Client, Indemnification, Limitation of Liability, and Miscellaneous. The Definitions section outlines the meaning of specific words and phrases used in the agreement. The Obligations of the Vendor section outlines the responsibilities of the vendor including the protection of confidential information, the return of confidential information upon completion of the contract, and the non-disclosure of confidential information. The Obligations of the Client section outlines the responsibilities of the client including the payment of fees, the provision of confidential information, and the authorization for the vendor to subcontract any portion of the services. The Indemnification section outlines the liability of the vendor should any breach of confidentiality occur. The Limitation of Liability section outlines the limits of the vendor’s financial liability and the Miscellaneous section outlines the miscellaneous provisions of the agreement. The Texas Confidentiality Agreement for Third-Party Vendors (Exhibit B to Miscellaneous Order No. 62) is a legally binding document that ensures the protection of confidential information. This agreement ensures that third-party vendors are responsible for the protection of confidential information and that they are liable for any breach of confidentiality.