The Texas Certificate of Group Health Plan Coverage with Statement of HIPAA Portability Rights is a document that provides individuals with important information about their rights and coverage under a group health plan in Texas, as well as their rights under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The main purpose of this certificate is to inform individuals who are part of a group health plan about their rights to continue their health coverage in certain situations, such as when they lose their job or experience other life events that would otherwise result in a loss of coverage. It also aims to educate them about their rights to privacy and security of their health information under HIPAA. The certificate includes a detailed description of the group health plan, including the name of the plan, the type of coverage provided, and the names and contact information of the plan administrator or employer sponsoring the plan. It also specifies the effective date of coverage and the duration for which the coverage is provided. Furthermore, the certificate outlines the rights and responsibilities of the plan members. It explains the circumstances under which an individual may be eligible for continuation of coverage and the procedures they need to follow to avail themselves of this right. It also highlights important HIPAA rights, such as the right to access and amend their health information, as well as the right to file a complaint if they believe their privacy rights have been violated. Different types or variations of the Texas Certificate of Group Health Plan Coverage with Statement of HIPAA Portability Rights may exist depending on the specific group health plan and the insurer or administrator providing the coverage. However, the content and purpose of these certificates remain largely the same — to inform individuals about their rights and coverage under the group health plan and their HIPAA portability rights.