Communication with a client concerning the representation.a criminal or fraudulent act in the commission of which the lawyer's services have been used, ... Letter Informing Debt Collector of False or Misleading Misrepresentations in Collection Activities - Communicating or ThreateningBefore the first transaction is made, the creditor must furnish an initial disclosure, including the finance charge, other charges that may be imposed, the fact ... He has been quoted in articles on FDCPA issues in the National Law Journal, Lawyers Weekly USA, and The Texas Lawyer, and in. 1995, he represented the ... At the federal level, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (the ?FDCPA?) provides debtors some protections from false, deceptive, ... Case Studies: Arrest Warrants and Jailing in Debt Collection Cases.documented that letters often falsely misrepresent the threat of prosecution as a ... By C Stueben · 2010 · Cited by 22 ? collection letter is false, misleading, or deceptive to the least sophisticateddetermine whether a collection letter (or any communication) from a debt. Once a debt collector has obtained contact information for a consumer,prohibits a debt collector from ?using any false, deceptive, ... (1) The false representation or implication that the debt collector is vouched for,(8) Communicating or threatening to communicate to a person credit ... Claim, a debt collector or collection agency, or a person or entity primarily(6) any email contact information where the plaintiff consents to accept ...