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Monsour Law Firm attorneys know legal arguments, standard requests and reasonable compensation amounts in cases like yours, and they can offer insight you might not know. You don't have to accept a settlement offer.
That you will not accept the initial settlement offer; The reasons why you feel you deserve a higher settlement amount; Each of their low-offer reasons, and your responses; The higher settlement amount that you will accept.
Typically, it can take anywhere from one to two weeks for the insurance company to respond to your demand letter. Then it can take anywhere from weeks to months until you reach a settlement that you will accept. Some people accept the first or second offer, while others may accept the third or fourth counteroffer.
No, until a settlement agreement is signed, you can change your mind. However, if the attorney has told the other side he will take the offer, it does put him in a bad position. Also, if your attorney strongly recommends the offer, you may want to consider his advice.
You have the right to reject any settlement offer and respond with a counter demand for the payment you deserve. But you have to wait until a settlement offer is made to reject it and submit a counter demand.
If you receive a settlement offer that is less than what you need or deserve, you can and should negotiate for a better offer. The worst that can happen is the insurance company will stand their ground and refuse to raise their offerthey will not rescind the offer entirely, so you really have nothing to lose.
Request a New Adjuster While this is rare, the claims adjuster may refuse to negotiate after you reject their first offer. This is a tactic companies use to intimidate their clients. It creates a take it or leave it atmosphere, which can cause you to accept a settlement much lower than what you need.
Always reject a settlement offer in writing. Type a letter to your contact at the insurance company listing the reasons you think that their offer is too low. Back up these reasons with concrete evidence attached to the letter. Finally, provide a counteroffer of a sum you think is more reasonable.
Scenario 3: Protect Your Legal Rights by Filing a Lawsuit The most dramatic result of a rejected settlement offer is a lawsuit against the party who injured you, the insurance company, or both.