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Repayment of training costs If there is no contractual right to allow the employer to demand repayment, the money cannot be recovered. Some employers will try to recoup the training costs by making deductions from the employee's salary during their notice period.
Yes, according to a California Court of Appeal.
Not paying your new hires during their training is nearly always illegal. Employees must be paid for all time they spent working, which generally includes training time. The only time when training would not count as working time is when all four of these criteria are met: Attendance is outside normal hours.
California law requires all employers of 5 or more employees to provide 1 hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to nonsupervisory employees and 2 hours of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to supervisors and managers once every two years.
In the UK they are any bond is un-enforceable in law after the Bosman ruling in football. This made any employer unable to restrict the movement of employees to better and other employment or career changes.
Is it lawful for an employer to demand the repayment of training costs? The short answer is yes provided that there is a properly drafted agreement.
Final pay when someone leaves a job Employers can only deduct money for training courses if it was agreed in the contract or in writing beforehand. For example, an employer could ask someone to agree in writing before a training course to pay back costs if they leave within 6 months.
Agreements to repay your employer for training costs are valid and enforceable.That means that if there is a contract to repay your employer any training costs they paid for you in the event you quit, then if you do quit, you must repay them.
It is not that unusual for employers to require employees to repay their costs of training or other professional fees that the employer has incurred on their behalf if they leave their employment. Occasionally, an employee will argue that this type of clause is a penalty clause and therefore unenforceable.