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An "option agreement" is a contract used in real estate investing that gives you the right to purchase a property for an agreed upon price up to a certain time frame.An option obligates the seller, but not the buyer. The buyer has the right to purchase the property, but does not have to.
An Option to Purchase agreement is a legal contract signed between a buyer and a seller of a residential property, and basically gives the buyer the exclusive rights to purchase a property from the seller in the future.
Typically, the seller grants the buyer an option to purchase the property based on the terms and conditions in the Option to Purchase, in return of a sum of money from the buyer called the Option Fee. The Option Fee is typically 1% of the sale price of the property, but is negotiable between parties.
The quick answer is cash it and keep it. The Seller earns this money when the contract is executed. It is a payment from Buyer to Seller for the unrestricted right to terminate the contract during the Option Period.The contract may say it is credited to the Buyer at closing.
The primary difference is that an option contract entitles the buyer to the option to purchase the items at a later time, whereas a firm offer gives the buyer the right to buy the items outright at any time.
An option to purchase real estate is a legally-binding contract that allows a prospective buyer to enter into an agreement with a seller, in which the buyer is given the exclusive option to purchase the property for a period of time and for a certain (sometimes variable) price.
Although sellers often require substantial payments to compensate them for tying up their property for a period of time, a hundred dollars is sufficient consideration to cause an option to be legally enforceable.