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A routine settlement agreement may take up to two hours to prepare. However, how long it takes to complete depends on how much back-and-forth there is between the two sides regarding revisions. Usually, there is not much of that with settlement agreements, but no two cases are the same.
An offer. This is what one party proposes to do, pay, etc. Acceptance. Valid consideration. Mutual assent. A legal purpose. A settlement agreement must also not be "unconscionable." This means that it cannot be illegal, fraudulent, or criminal.
In most cases, the parties enter into an agreement settling their dispute before the court issues a final judgment in the case.
You need to have your written agreement notarized. Make sure, when you sign the agreement, that you understand everything you are agreeing to. This type of agreement is often called a marital settlement agreement or MSA.
Scope of the release the claims. Scope of the release the parties. Get the logistics right. Contingencies. Confidentiality. The insurance company/indemnitor. Worry about the tax/accounting implications. Enforcing the settlement.
The agreement should list the rights, claims, obligations, or interests that will be released in the settlement as well as any claims or obligations that are not part of the settlement.
A judgment is an official designation entered on a court's docket that signifies that a plaintiff has prevailed in his court case against the named defendant. A settlement is an agreement by both parties to the lawsuit that resolves their dispute prior to trial.
A settlement agreement should have recitals explaining the facts involving the dispute and state that the parties have reached a settlement.
2714 Retain relevant documents. 2714 Decide whether (and when) to make offer. 2714 Evaluate the reasons for settling. 2714 Assess motivating factors to settle. 2714 Confirm client's ability to settle. 2714 List all covered parties. 2714 List all legal issues to be settled.