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In conclusion, using US Legal Forms simplifies the process of drafting essential documents like a chauffeur contract. Get started today and empower yourself with legal knowledge and tools by visiting US Legal Forms.
In the last year alone, the following well-recognized companies have been involved in independent contractor misclassification lawsuits: FedEx, Macy's, the NFL, Sleepy's, Penthouse, Lowe's, Jani-King, DirecTV, BMW and SuperShuttle.
As for how much you should tip, the rule of thumb is 20% for service you are happy with. But there are some caveats to that number. First and foremost, you should check with your limo company to find out if gratuity is already included in your contract.
Driving a limo is a viable career option for many people with a good driving record and a desire for a flexible schedule. Limo drivers have a different job experience than other professionals, as their focus is driving safely, managing a client's time schedule and assisting the client in a respectful manner.
California voters supported Proposition 22, which lets Uber and Lyft continue to treat their drivers in the state as independent contractors rather than employees entitled to benefits.
Driving a limo is a viable career option for many people with a good driving record and a desire for a flexible schedule. Limo drivers have a different job experience than other professionals, as their focus is driving safely, managing a client's time schedule and assisting the client in a respectful manner.
Generally speaking, companies can only classify truck drivers as independent contractors if the truckers have control over how and when they perform their duties.
Although federal labor laws exist for chauffeurs, they have little effect if the driver is an independent contractor.Chauffeurs may include anyone who transports passengers for a price, including limousine drivers and taxi drivers, and labor laws are the same for all industry workers.
A driver is any operator of a motor vehicle. A chauffeur is someone employed to look after the needs of the passenger as well as the operation of the motor vehicle. A chauffeur is an experienced, licensed professional.
Remember, a tip of 20% should apply to the total amount of limousine rental. While it may seem generous to tip a limo driver $20, a stretch limo could cost more than $100 per hour.