In conclusion, using US Legal Forms not only simplifies the process of crafting your sample letter for request for salary increase but also provides access to a robust collection of legal documentation. By ensuring that you have the right form, you're more likely to submit a compelling request that stands out.
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In the first paragraph of your letter, mention how you enjoy working with the company. It's also helpful to state your job title and how long you've worked for the company. Then explain the letter's general purpose which is to ask for an increase in your salary. Next up, explain why you deserve the raise.
Start with the positives about your role and what you're proud of. Thank you for making the time to meet with me today. Talk about your achievements. Over the past 12 months I have talk about your achievements that have benefited the organisation. Get to the point.
Do Your Homework. Be Non-Committal/Vague About Salary History and Expectations. Don't Blindly Accept the First Offer. Take Some Time to Consider the Offer and Gauge the Value of the Salary/Benefits as a Whole. Ask for 10-25% More Than What Was Offered. Justify Your Ask.
Pull All the Positive Praise You've Received Since Your Last Review. Always Bring Data + Numbers. Consider What You'll Bring to the Team in the Coming Year (and Beyond) Think About Why Your Boss Would Want to Give You More Money. Come Up With a Real Number. Get on the Calendar.
. First, know that it's normal to ask. Be thoughtful about your timing. If you've been doing excellent work for a year since your salary was last set, it might be time to ask. Know your company's raise and budget cycles. . Know what your work is worth and start by researching online.
I request a pay raise of 6%, which I believe reflects both my current competencies and industry averages. Once again, I am grateful to be a member of this organization, and I enjoy taking on assignments that allow me to contribute to the company. Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Here's an example script for asking for a raise: "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. In my current role, I'm excited to keep working towards key company goals and grow my personal responsibilities. As a result, I'd like to discuss my salary."
The letter's general purpose. In the first paragraph of your letter, mention how you enjoy working with the company. The reason for your request. The justification for your request. The amount you're requesting for. A statement about negotiation.