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Nunc Pro Tunc. Latin, Now for then. nunc pro tunc. (nuhnk proh tuhnk): adj. NUNC PRO TUNC, practice. This phrase, which signifies now for then, is used to express that a thing is done at one time which ought to have been performed at another.
Errors other than errors of principle are called clerical errors. The following are the types of clerical errors. 1. Errors of Omission: These errors arise as a result of some act of omission on the part of the person responsible for the maintenance of books of account.
When your court order contains a specific kind of mistakea clerical errorone way to correct it is by filing a document with the court called a motion for judgment nunc pro tunc. This is the method for asking the judge to issue a new judgment or order that contains the correct information.
Nunc pro tunc is a phrase used in an order or judgment when the court wants the order or judgment to be effective as of a date in the past rather than on the date the judgment or order is entered into the court record.
A clerical error is an error on the part of an office worker, often a secretary or personal assistant. It is a phrase which can also be used as an excuse to deflect blame away from specific individuals, such as high-powered executives, and instead redirect it to the more anonymous clerical staff.
A mistake made in a letter, paper, or document that changes its meaning, such as a typographical error or the unintentional addition or omission of a word, phrase, or figure. A mistake of this kind is a result of an oversight.
Error of omission is when a transaction is being missed out from being recorded by the person maintaining accounts. errors of commission is recording wrong account, wrong amount, wrong totalling etc,.