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Have a Professional Land Survey Done. Talk Things Out and Offer Concessions. Seek Mediation or a Neutral Third Party. If all else fails, hire a qualified real estate attorney.
A Land Survey Works Wonders for Boundary Disputes. If you feel like your neighbor has or is developing on top of your land, you may want to get a professional land survey. Talk it Over and Offer Concessions. Bring on a Neutral Third Party. Hire a Qualified Estate Attorney.
By suggesting that one party or the other should apply to the Revenue Officer to fix the limits, under section 101 (1) of the Punjab Land Revenue Act. by appointing a local Commissioner, and. by the Court itself making a local enquiry.
Case 1- If your neighbour/trespasser does not claim an ownership to the property and is modest enough to leave the encroachment in place, but wants to use the property for a specified time, you can give a written agreement to the encroacher allowing him to use the property, with you retaining the actual proprietorship
Describe the violation. Explain that you are giving the neighbor notice that she needs to remove the encroaching structure. If relevant, mention other solutions such as selling the land or giving the neighbor permission to use the encroached-upon area.
When you file a nuisance lawsuit against your neighbor, you essentially make the claim that your neighbor's actions are interfering with the enjoyment of your property. Nuisance claims are considered either private or public.A nuisance typically involves non-physical elements, such as odors or sounds.
Talk to your neighbor: Your neighbor may be willing to move whatever is on your property over to theirs if it's something like a garden or something else that can be easily moved. Sell the land to your neighbor: Another option would be to sell the land that's being encroached upon by your neighbor to that neighbor.
A neighbor will not own the part of a structure that encroaches on their land. Instead, the encroachment will be viewed as an act of trespass. Also, although the neighbor will be able to sue that person for trespass, they will not automatically gain legal title to the portion of the building that is now on their land.