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Also this week, CattleFax released their price expectations for 2020. They are forecasting finished steers to average 118 next year, with potential to top out near $130. 750 pound steers are estimated at an average of $146 and 550 pound steer calves at $165, both just slightly ahead of their 2019 averages.
A calf that weighs 500 pounds costs around $700. As compared to a heifer, bred heifer costs more. A bred heifer can cost around $1,300. Whereas matured cows can cost around $4,000 to $5,000 each.
A price of $160 per cwt on 550- to 600-pound calves generates $900-plus in steer calf revenue. (Remember, only half the calves are steers.)
Looking out to 2020, Brester said that given where the feeder cattle futures for next fall are sitting and factoring in the historical basis, 500-600 pound feeder calves could bring $165-$175 next October. 6-700 pound calves might range $155-$165. Also this week, CattleFax released their price expectations for 2020.
A calf that weighs 500 pounds costs around $700. As compared to a heifer, bred heifer costs more. A bred heifer can cost around $1,300.
It will take over a year (367 days) to grow a 500-pound calf to 1,000 pounds if its average daily weight gain is 1.5 pounds per day. Some exten sive forage-finishing systems may require a longer duration for calves to reach slaughter weight if forage quality and quantity restrict growth to no more than 1 pound per day.
The price for 550-pound weaned calves is expected to average $150 per cwt this year, in a range of $135 to $165. We believe the average break-even price for cow-calf producers is about $140, says CattleFax CEO Randy Blach. For the best producers, that breakeven is probably around $100.
Based on the 2019 budget, slaughter cows (1,200 pounds) are expected to average $50 per hundredweight, while 550 pounds steers and 520 heifers are expected to average $145 and $130 per hundredweight respectively.