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In conclusion, using US Legal Forms makes the process of modifying your divorce decree straightforward and efficient. Visit us today to get started on reclaiming your lifelong name!
All you need to revert your ID and bank accounts back to your maiden name after you divorce is your decree absolute and your marriage certificate. Alternatively, you can change your name by deed poll and present this document instead.
Under Republic Act No. 8239, otherwise known as the Philippine Passport Act, a woman applicant may revert to the use of her maiden name in case of a divorce decree recognized under Philippine law, a declaration of annulment of marriage or declaration of nullity of marriage.
Step 1 Fill-in Petition to Change Name Form PC51. Step 2 Arrange to Have Fingerprints Taken. Step 3 Pay Fingerprinting and Background Check Fee. Step 4 Gather Documents. Step 5 File Documents with Circuit Court. Step 6 Pay Filing Fee. Step 7 Publication of Name Change. Step 8 Pay Publication Fee.
You will need to submit a completed and signed correction application, a fee of $50.00 in the form of a personal check or money order payable to the State of Michigan in U.S. funds, a copy of your current, valid photo identification and a copy of the court order for documentation.
To change your name back to your pre-marriage or pre-civil partnership name, you must submit divorce, dissolution or legal separation agreement documents or correspondence from a solicitor showing that a separation, divorce or dissolution has been initiated.
You simply need to take with you a copy of the Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate and, if applicable, the Divorce Order to the relevant institutions and inform them that you are reverting to your maiden name.
For anyone reverting to their prior name, they will need a divorce decree, or else marriage and birth certificates from Births, Deaths and Marriages. If you don't already have this expect to pay between $35 to $65 per certificate. A successful legal name change name change application could cost between $110 and $280.
If the courts have finalized your divorce, you can complete an application asking the divorce court judge to restore your former name. You can find the form online by searching the phrase name change in California. You can also visit your county clerk's office for the form in person.
On divorce, a woman may revert to using her maiden name either using a deed poll, or by using her decree absolute and her marriage certificate.A deed poll also has the advantage that other names can be changed at the same time or a completely new surname could be chosen.