By following these steps, you'll secure a legally sound employment contract tailored to your specific needs. US Legal Forms not only provides comprehensive templates but also offers expert assistance for added assurance.
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If you didn't see the problem first-hand during the inspection, then you can always have your realtor ask the seller to give you some additional time in the home so a certified mold removal technician can conduct a thorough mold testing and mold inspection to give you an estimate for how much it will cost to get rid of
To an appraiser the presence of mold is simply a health and safety issue to be remedied as a condition of the appraisal. It is not unlike a broken balcony handrail. If it is fixed before the appraiser arrives there is no problem so there is no adverse impact.
This means that sellers must disclose mold problems to buyers and that failure to remove the mold immediately can lead to citations for code violations. However, buying a house with mold could be okay if you're getting a significant discount on the home and have the means to remove the mold.
Study your competition. Write up the agreement. Have your agreement reviewed by a legal professional. Present the non-compete contract to your employee. If everyone is satisfied, sign and date the agreement.
Your employer breaches the contract. Chances are you signed more than just a non-compete agreement when you started your job. You did not have a specialized position. Non-compete agreements should enforce certain types of work. The information is not confidential.
So unless you want to take a price hit or go through a string of buyers who ultimately walk away from the deal, selling your house with mold will require that you address the issue head on and leave no stone (moldy or otherwise) unturned in fixing the problem.
If you have the home professionally inspected before you buy it, your home inspector may see obvious signs of mold or water damage. While it's not the inspector's job to look for mold, most home inspectors will mention obvious signs of water damage and the possible presence of mold.
What is a noncompete agreement? Keep the group small. Keep the restrictions reasonable and narrow. Provide consideration for the agreement. Get it in writing. Prepare multiple versions if necessary. Concede choice of law/forum. Provisions to include.