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The HIPAA rules allow disclosure of information that is relevant to the caregiver's involvement in the patient's care.Unfortunately, although all release forms must be HIPAA-compliant, there is no standard form.
The HIPAA privacy form is a document that outlines the manner in which a patient's PHI (protected health information) may be disclosed to third parties (e.g. health clearinghouses). Patients who sign one of these forms legally acknowledge that they have understood the provider's privacy practices.
Health care providers will ask patients to sign a form saying that they received a copy of the notice of privacy practices. The law does not require patients to sign this. However, signing does not waive a patient's rights under HIPAA, and does not mean that the patient agrees with the privacy policy.
A HIPAA authorization form is a document in that allows an appointed person or party to share specific health information with another person or group. Your appointed person can be a doctor, a hospital, or a health care provider, as well as certain other entities such as an attorney.