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Start your journey towards legally sound documents today. Visit US Legal Forms and streamline your construction contract process!
Name of contractor and contact information. Name of homeowner and contact information. Describe property in legal terms. List attachments to the contract. The cost. Failure of homeowner to obtain financing. Description of the work and the completion date. Right to stop the project.
The building contract should contain your tender, building specifications, home owners warranty, your house (building) plans, engineering plans, special conditions and the building contract itself. Without all of these documents you should not enter into your building contract.
Identifying/Contact Information. Title and Description of the Project. Projected Timeline and Completion Date. Cost Estimate and Payment Schedule. Stop Work Clause and Stop Payment Clause. Act of God Clause. Change Order Agreement. Warranty.
Construction contracts do not necessarily have to be in writing.If contracts listed in the statute of frauds are not in writing, they cannot be enforced. Construction contracts sometimes fall within the terms of a state's statute of frauds and therefore must be in writing in some instances.
A contract is formed when one party makes an offer which is unconditionally accepted by the other.A purported acceptance which contains terms different to the offer is not acceptance. This is called a counter offer which may be accepted by the other party or subject to a further counter offer.
#1: Review Your Bid. #2: Review Complete Plans. #3: Review All Specifications. #4: Visit the Job Site. #5: Review the Job Schedule. #6: Complete a Project Checklist. #7: Verify Project Funding. #8: Read Complete Contract.
Identifying/Contact Information. Title and Description of the Project. Projected Timeline and Completion Date. Cost Estimate and Payment Schedule. Stop Work Clause and Stop Payment Clause. Act of God Clause. Change Order Agreement. Warranty.
Contract Drafting Process: Before writing, clarity about what parts the contract must be included and what situations the contract must cover. Parties requirement should be crystalized; Precisely because this is an obvious point, it is often overlooked.