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The fee for a duplicate/replacement title is $31. Send application to your local WA vehicle licensing office.
An affidavit of loss is a document declaring the loss of a security usually through theft or destruction. The affidavit contains all the details regarding the loss, such as the owner's name and any information pertaining to the security. That information may include a serial number or the security's date of issue.
An Affidavit of Loss is usually required when requesting for a replacement of a lost document or item.If the Affiant is a minor, the user will be asked the name of the guardian who will accompany the Affiant to the notary public and sign the affidavit.
Can I Sell a Car in Washington Without a Title? Washington requires a title to sell a vehicle. If your title is lost, a replacement title can be obtained from the Department of Licensing.
Begin by filling out the Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest (Form TD-420-040). There is a fee of $31 when applying for a duplicate title.
You can ask DOL to issue a three-year registration without title. You can file a bond with DOL for a three-year period and get a bonded title. You can file a petition in court for an order awarding you legal ownership of the vehicle.
Schedule an appointment at a Vehicle Center, complete the Universal Title Application (form OS/SS-UTA) available online and at motor vehicle agencies. Provide a current or expired registration, proof of insurance or a certified registration record. There is a $60 fee.
Begin by filling out the Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest (Form TD-420-040). There is a fee of $31 when applying for a duplicate title.
An affidavit of loss is a document declaring the loss of a security usually through theft or destruction. The affidavit contains all the details regarding the loss, such as the owner's name and any information pertaining to the security. That information may include a serial number or the security's date of issue.