By following these steps, you can efficiently manage the termination of your physician's care while ensuring compliance with legal requirements. US Legal Forms not only offers a vast selection of documents but also connects you with premium experts for additional assistance.
Take control of your healthcare journey today—visit US Legal Forms to access your sample letter for termination of physician's care.
The physician terminates the physician-patient relationship by notifying the patient in writing of withdrawal from care after a specific time which is stated in the letter. The patient is also given information necessary to obtain their medical records or transfer to another provider.
Terminating a patient formally involves written noticevia certified mail, return receipt to the patient that he/she should find another healthcare provider. Keep all copies of the letter and any other correspondence you may have in the patient's medical record.
"From a malpractice and medical board standpoint, a physician can basically discharge a patient for any reason he wants, as long as it is nondiscriminatory and doesn't violate the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act or other laws, or puts the patient's health, safety, and welfare at risk," says Kabler.
Terminating a patient formally involves written noticevia certified mail, return receipt to the patient that he/she should find another healthcare provider. Keep all copies of the letter and any other correspondence you may have in the patient's medical record.
In California, patients make the decision as to who provides their medical care. Although physicians are permitted to terminate the doctor-patient relationship for any non-discriminatory reason, they must do so in a way that avoids allegations of patient abandonment.
In general, the physician-patient relationship can be terminated in two ways without creating liability for abandonment: 1) the physician ends the relationship after giving the patient notice, a reasonable opportunity to find substitute care and the information necessary to obtain the patient's medical records, or 2)
In general, the physician-patient relationship can be terminated in two ways without creating liability for abandonment: 1) the physician ends the relationship after giving the patient notice, a reasonable opportunity to find substitute care and the information necessary to obtain the patient's medical records, or 2)
Sample Letter of Withdrawal from a Case Dear (PATIENT): I would like to take this opportunity to formally notify you that I will no longer be your physician because (REASON). Sample language for reason: You have consistently failed to follow my advice and recommendations.