In conclusion, US Legal Forms offers an extensive library of over 85,000 editable legal documents, far surpassing competitors in variety and affordability. With the option to consult premium experts, you can ensure that your Physician's Assistant Employment Agreement is both accurate and compliant.
Take advantage of these resources today and start your journey towards drafting effective legal documents!
Work Status. Productivity. Income Guarantees. Forgiveness of Guarantees. Educational Loan Forgiveness. Non-competes. Hours/call/duties/vacation. Partnership.
PAs practice in every state and in every medical setting and specialty, improving healthcare access and quality. Use PA as the title of the profession, not physician assistant, in all copy.
A clear job description. This should set out the role and duties of the employee. Salary or wage details. The nature of the employment. The reporting structure. Leave entitlements. Confidentiality. Non-compete/restraint of trade. Protection of intellectual property.
Though their schooling has prepared them to work with all kinds of patients and in all types of medical settings, most doctors are not as comfortable dealing with contracts and negotiation. Here are a few things doctors should be aware of before signing on the dotted line. Don't skip over things you don't understand.
Work Status. Productivity. Income Guarantees. Forgiveness of Guarantees. Educational Loan Forgiveness. Non-competes. Hours/call/duties/vacation. Partnership.
Sick pay and procedures. other paid leave (for example, maternity leave and paternity leave) notice periods.
Supervision requirements focus on the need for a written collaborative agreement with a physician that can outline the procedures a physician assistant is allowed to perform.
Job title and description. Salary, benefits and bonuses. Hours and location of work. Holidays, sick leave and death in service. Restrictive clauses and covenants.
PAs can prescribe medication. PAs are "done with school" and will never "be a doctor". PAs are not physician's assistants -- they are Physician Assistants. Physician Assistants are not "want-to-be" doctors.