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Temporary orders are possible to modify, though the specific standards for modification will vary by state. Some may require a significant change in circumstances to request a change, while others may have lower for good cause standards, which simply require coming up with a valid reason.
In Latin, Pendente Lite means pending the litigation, which means that a Pendente Lite hearing is a time where orders can be made regarding the matters of a divorce, even if the divorce is still pending. This allows the court to provide a measure of relief to a party while awaiting litigation.
Maintenance means providing children, wife or other persons in a position of dependence, with food, clothing and other necessaries. So Maintenance pendent lite means providing living expenses and financial support for the children, wife and other person while a suit is pending.
In Latin, Pendente Lite means pending the litigation, which means that a Pendente Lite hearing is a time where orders can be made regarding the matters of a divorce, even if the divorce is still pending.
Can pendente lite orders be modified? Yes, but it's not necessarily an easy ruling to change. In most jurisdictions, you first need to show that there has been a material change of circumstances in order to seek a modification.
Pendente lite orders are most commonly issued in divorce actions.In divorce actions, pendente lite orders are typically issued to provide temporary support to the spouse who makes less money, in order to get him or her by until a permanent order can be made.
Pendente lite is a Latin term meaning "awaiting the litigation" or "pending the litigation" which applies to court orders which are in effect while a matter (such as a divorce) is pending.Pendente lite should not be confused with lis pendens.
Pendente lite is Latin for pending litigation and refers to temporary relief the Court can award to spouses while their divorce litigation is pending. A pendente lite hearing is typically scheduled within 3-4 months of the filing of the initial Complaint.