Release Bail

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Description Motion To Set Bond

This document is a legal motion filed in a court seeking the release of a defendant and the setting of reasonable bail. It outlines the defendant's current situation, including arrest details, the amount of bail currently set, a request for bail reduction, and a certificate of service. It also includes a notice for a hearing regarding the motion.
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Bail Motion Other Form Names

Magistrate Set Held Bail Type   Motion Release Court   Florida Court Motion Forms   Motion For Bail Hearing   Motion To Set Bail   Bail Remission Motion   Release Bail Document  

Motion Set Bail FAQ

In addition to the seriousness of the charged crime, the amount of bail usually depends on factors such as a defendant's past criminal record, whether a defendant is employed, and whether a defendant has close ties to relatives and the community.

If a person can't afford the amount of bail on the bail schedule, he or she can ask a judge to lower it by filing a Motion to Reduce Bail Bond. The accused can also file a Petition for Bail on the ground that the evidence against him is not strong, even if he or she is facing a. non-bailable offense.

At a motion hearing, each party can argue its position and the judge can ask specific questions about the fact or law. After hearing the judge decides the motion and this is called an order. However, during a trial or a hearing, an oral motion may also be permitted.

After you complete your motion, you must file it with the court.You must then serve (mail) a copy of your filed motion (including all exhibits and the date, time, and place of hearing) to all other parties in the case. If a party is represented by an attorney, mail the motion directly to the attorney's office.

Yes, a motion to set a reasonable bond means that the attorney is attempting to get the court to set a bond (if no bond has been given) or to reduce the bond that was set. The motion to set bond is what establishes the actual bond hearing with the judge.

Cash Bail. You can use cash to post bail for a friend or loved one. Collateral Bail. You can post bail using real property, such as a house, land, vehicles, jewelry, firearms or anything else of value. PR Bond. Bail Bondsman.

A "motion" is simply a formal request to a court that it do something or decide an issue in favor of the party that asks for it. "Granted" means the court agreed with the request, and did or decided in favor of the requester.

Despite the principles explained above, many judges set unaffordably high bail in some types of cases to keep suspected offenders in jail pending trial. Judges can lose elections when defendants they've released on bail commit new crimes, but rarely take political heat for keeping a suspect behind bars.

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Release Bail