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In conclusion, using US Legal Forms for your Short Sale or Arms Length Affidavit simplifies the legal document process. Start today to gain access to a comprehensive library that meets your legal needs!
Once an offer is received and signed, I send it to the bank, along with the seller's short sale package and a prepared HUD. From that point to the time of short sale approval, the average timeline is about 60 to 90 days.
Short Sale Laws There's no actual law against short selling your home to a relative, but even so you could end up breaking the law. If you've short sold your home and your lender suspects collusion between you and the buyer it could sue you for damages or claim criminal fraud.
When you make an offer to buy a short-sale listing, the sellers must accept your offer, forming an actual, binding contract, before it can be submitted to the bank for review and approval (or not).So, yes, you can withdraw your contract on this short sale and move on to another property.
Qualifications for a Short Sale The home's market value has dropped: Hard comparable sales must substantiate that the home is valued at less than the unpaid balance due to the lender.The mortgage is in or near default status: In the past, lenders would not consider a short sale if the payments were up-to-date.
This Short Sale Affidavit (Affidavit) is given by the Seller(s), Buyer(s), Agent(s), and Facilitator to the Servicer and the Investor of the mortgage loan secured by the Property (Mortgage) in consideration for the mutual and respective benefits to be derived from the short sale of the Property.
An arm's length transaction refers to a business deal in which buyers and sellers act independently without one party influencing the other.
Based off of studies and experiences from the short sale processing company Universal Short Sales, the average time a short sale takes to close is 2-5 months. However, a short sale that is not professionally processed can take up to 6-12 months.
An Executed Listing Agreement. Fully Executed Purchase Contract. Seller's Hardship Letter. Authorization Letter. Last Two Bank Statements. Tax Returns and Wage Documentation. A Closing Disclosure.
It references the property address, names of the sellers, buyers, agents, and the fact that it is an arm's-length transaction. No party to the short sale contract is a family member, business associate, or a person who shares a business interest with the seller.