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Continuances Based on Inadequate Time. Perhaps the most common reason for a continuance is when one side did not have enough time to investigate the case and analyze the evidence. Continuances Based on Changing the Indictment or Attorney. Continuances Based on Surprises.
A continuance in a criminal trial is a formal delay of the trial that can be requested by either side, before or during the trial.Requesting a continuance and receiving one are two very different things; it is important to have a good reason behind the request because it is a good reason the judge will expect.
Greet the judge with a formal salutation such as "Dear Judge So-and-So" or "Your Honorable Judge So-and-So." Identify yourself and your reason for writing to the judge in the first line of the letter's body. For example, "My name is Jim Jimerson and I am writing to reschedule our evidentiary hearing."
A valid emergency can serve as an excuse for missing a court date. Some examples of legitimate emergencies include: An emergency room visit for a sudden, debilitating medical condition. A sick child.
If the prosecution makes meaningful changes to the facts contained in the indictment, the defense may be justified in seeking a continuance so that they can prepare for the changed facts. If the change is relatively minor and not relevant to the merits of the case, however, a continuance probably is not warranted.
The rule of reason applies to postponing a court date. If the justification is reasonable, related to trial preparation, your health or that of a family member, or a matter of some importance scheduled before the court date was set, the judge will likely have no problem with a request for postponement.
Dear Other Party or Their Attorney: As I explained today, I need a continuance of the hearing on DATE. I am asking for a continuance because GIVE REASON. Please let me know by DATE if you will agree to a continuance.