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A Land Survey Works Wonders for Boundary Disputes. If you feel like your neighbor has or is developing on top of your land, you may want to get a professional land survey. Talk it Over and Offer Concessions. Bring on a Neutral Third Party. Hire a Qualified Estate Attorney.
Case 1- If your neighbour/trespasser does not claim an ownership to the property and is modest enough to leave the encroachment in place, but wants to use the property for a specified time, you can give a written agreement to the encroacher allowing him to use the property, with you retaining the actual proprietorship
Stay civil. Don't use this disagreement to vent months or years of anger at your neighbor. Hire a surveyor. Check your community's laws. Try to reach a neighbor-to-neighbor agreement. Use a mediator. Have your attorney send a letter. File a lawsuit.
There is a term for this battle of land: encroachment. An encroachment happens when a fence or another piece of your neighbor's property crosses the property lines. Other examples of encroachments could involve trees, parts of a building, fencing or any other fixtures located on both pieces of property.