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"The hotel has the legal right to keep the money," she says. "But I've found that if you have a reasonable excuse for canceling the room, most places will offer you a refund without you even having to ask."
A room reservationeven when it's not prepaidis a contract, which a hotel is legally obligated to honor. Occasionally, however, when you arrive to claim your reservation, the room you chose might not be available.So your legal right to a room becomes moot, at least in the immediate.
Can hotel just cancel a reservation and leave you without a room? In a word, yes. California's lodging statutes, which go into great detail about the rights of an innkeeper, don't specifically address situations like Staigerwald's.
Booking Contract. means the contract made between the Owner and the Renter when the Renter makes payment for a Stay in a Property on a temporary basis.
A confirmed reservation is an enforceable contract which accommodates a particular date or dates that can constitute a contract binding on those dates.A reservation does not have to be confirmed in writing to constitute an enforceable contract because it can be oral, emailed or other correspondence between two people.
Do a rate audit before going to RFP. Explore room rates around your event on hotel and third-party websites. Use your hotel brand global representatives. Enlist the CVB. Offer future business. Use your data.
A room reservationeven when it's not prepaidis a contract, which a hotel is legally obligated to honor. Occasionally, however, when you arrive to claim your reservation, the room you chose might not be available.So your legal right to a room becomes moot, at least in the immediate.
A reservation is a binding contract consisting of mutual promises: the hotel agrees to provide the accommodation at the quoted rate, and the client agrees to pay.The hotel is obligated to deliver the room, and the traveler is obligated to pay for it.